Other than hitting a best-seller list, can you imagine anything that could be more rewarding for a new author than to have her second novel ‘plucked from the many’ for inclusion in an anthology with nine other authors?
When Jennifer Theriot approached me about joining the Peace, Love, & Romance anthology, I was honored, but also hesitant. Was my book a good fit? Could it hold its own against the books written by Amazon best-selling authors?
But of course I said, “Yes! Thank you!”
And so began a journey that has proven to be exciting, angst-ridden, educational, scary, but ultimately, rewarding. It has been such a pleasure to get to know this group of dynamic, marketing-and-computer-savvy, driven, hard-working, and most of all, talented women. They took a newbie under their wings, and took me to new heights.
I’m grateful to my fellow authors for their enthusiasm that pushed me along when I flagged, for their encouragement while I was learning, for their optimism in the face of setbacks, for their commitment to success, and for their belief in the talent of every author included in the Peace, Love, & Romance anthology.
My love and thanks to Jennifer Theriot, Diane Rinella, Aubree Lane, Christine Ardigo, Nan Reinhardt, Jill Vogt, Kelly Cozzone, Dee Ernst, and Robyn Roze for bringing me along on this incredible journey!